A moving header that says 'Animation' in colorful block letters.
A transparent image of a cloud. A transparent image of a cloud. A transparent image of a cloud. A transparent image of a cloud. A transparent image of a cloud. A transparent image of the planet Neptune. A transparent image of a bright red planet. A transparent image of a saturated gold planet. A transparent image of the planet Jupiter. A transparent and brightly colored image of the planet Saturn. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent gif of some twinkling pixel art stars. A transparent blue clay background from Hylics that looks like waves.

some animatics i've done! most of them are pretty old, and some of them don't even work thru embeds because of copyright claims :-( if it doesn't work, you can click 'view on youtube' to see it!

use the embed controls or shift+n to go to the next video!

The top portion of a Hylics TV. The left portion of a Hylics TV. The right portion of a Hylics TV. The bottom portion of a Hylics TV. A transparent image of the webmaster's fursona, drawn and positioned so that they look like they are watching the Hylics TV and eating popcorn. Back button